
Monday, May 02, 2011

Patience is not an easy virtue

I graduated college.

Did I forget to tell you? Oops.

Right now am waiting to hear on a job. I really hope I get it. I would be able to stay in the area, and I would be able to keep doing photography (and actually get paid for it!). While trying to have patience waiting for a phone call, I am relaxing. Right now I am focusing on getting back on a normal sleep schedule (I became nocturnal the last week of school) and taking pictures for the fun of it. I have a couple projects in mind, but first I want to just get back in the habit of taking pictures on a regular basis again.

Alas, patience is not something that comes easily to me. I am off to distract my impatience with some brilliance by Hitchcock, courtesy of Netflix.
Maybe I'll even watch his version of Easy Virtue.


Elaine said...

I'm not the most patient person in the world either... Did you hear anything yet??

Unknown said...

I thought I would find out by the 12th, but it might be another week. I hate waiting. :P

Linda said...

Have you been to the supermarket lately? I'm sure there are some fruits and veggies just waiting for you to snap their picture.

Congratulations on your graduation by the way. Must feel good to have that behind you. Good luck with the job search.