So I went to Goodwill and an amazing vintage store today for gathering props for my next photography project. Difficult, I know! =) This amazing vintage store is in the basement of a sporting goods store. I think that makes it even better--it's a hidden treasure!

The REAL book about Camping.

Tins I got at Goodwill. Two dollars each. Have I mentioned I love thrifting? I almost just got the sugar and flour ones, but I promptly returned for tea and coffee. How could I pass up such an amazing find?

One of the four plates I got at Goodwill. 99 cents each. Bam.

Cloves tin, glass milk bottle, and a Beta Lactose tin on the Camping book.
I also got white gloves and a red gingham apron at the vintage store. I tried on some dresses when I was there, but none fit. (No sizes printed didn't help) There were so many hats there. It was fabulous. There was a whole cabinet of gloves and aprons. I definitely want/need to go back to look at more of the books, life magazines, cookbooks, and everything else.
Girl, you would have a blast in Valley City. There's nothing but antique stores. Just think of the pictures you could take.
Totally fun!!! I love the vintage look!! Where was this store?
In the basement of a sporting goods store! In the town that I go to school at. Such a treasure to find! You will have to come here, and we'll go shopping. :)
WOW! Those are AWESOME finds! I want to go thrifting right now to find things to take photos of! :)
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.
My Grandma used to have tins like that where she kept her sugar, flour, etc.; but they were kind of a brown color in the same shape. I thought of her immediately when I seen yours.
Thanks for sharing the great gift of photography.
:) Vickie
Megan, I am very impressed with your creative mind. To find such interesting pictures from cast off's. I predict a successful future by using this creative mind along with your camera.
Love from grandpa. "Psalm 91"
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