Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
- my life is pretty awesome. I have enough problems living my own life, why go elsewhere when I'm starting to figure this thing called life out?
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
- move to England
- become a social landscape photographer
- the cliche (but beautiful) dream of finding Prince Charming
- travel all across Europe
- peace corps?
- get rid of all my debt from school loans
- be awesome
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them? LOTS
- Meggy eggy seggy peggy weggy zeggy (ask Trisha)
- Mugsee (rat/mouse) my loving cousin Matthew came up with it
- Purple [two guys were needing a third person in their group, i was wearing purple, and it just stuck.]
- Dakota [people can't get North or South straight down here]
- Erbele, Erbel Tea [people love my last name, erbel]
- CP [secret with my cousin Jessie]
- Marge [Anne likes my middle name, Margaret]
- shutterbug
- blurbly
- ....more to come I'm sure