
Saturday, October 30, 2010

500th post

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
  • my life is pretty awesome. I have enough problems living my own life, why go elsewhere when I'm starting to figure this thing called life out?
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
  • move to England
  • become a social landscape photographer
  • the cliche (but beautiful) dream of finding Prince Charming
  • travel all across Europe
  • peace corps?
  • get rid of all my debt from school loans
  • be awesome
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them? LOTS
  • Meggy eggy seggy peggy weggy zeggy (ask Trisha)
  • Mugsee (rat/mouse) my loving cousin Matthew came up with it
  • Purple [two guys were needing a third person in their group, i was wearing purple, and it just stuck.]
  • Dakota [people can't get North or South straight down here]
  • Erbele, Erbel Tea [people love my last name, erbel]
  • CP [secret with my cousin Jessie]
  • Marge [Anne likes my middle name, Margaret]
  • shutterbug
  • blurbly
  • ....more to come I'm sure

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

missing home?

I think whenever I start to get homesick, I will just look at this picture. Apparently this is home, well nearby. It's of Scott's girlfriend's car. (my brother has a girlfriend...what?? :) Glad I am here. October, no snow. I tend to forget that I'm lucky to be seeing red leaves instead of white snow. I love being able to celebrate autumn for more than a week.

Challenge, 4

Day 14- A picture of you and your family.

a traditional portrait (2006)

Texas Trip, Christmas 2009. Mom made us stand by this sign. She thought it would be cool for her scrapbook. As you can see, I picked the correct footgear for the excursion.

California Trip, Christmas 2005. I am totally absorbed in camera. Playing with settings would be my guess. That was back in the day when I shot in film.
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
  1. The Lucky Ones--Brendan James
  2. Devastation and Reform--Relient K
  3. All this Time--Maria Mena
  4. Syndicate--The Fray
  5. Something In The Water--Brooke Fraser
  6. The Other Woman--Caro Emerald
  7. Forever Young--BobDylan
  8. Wicked World--Laura Jansen
  9. Perfectly Lonely--John Mayer
  10. Foundations--Kate Nash

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Challenge, 3

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why?
------start reading the Bible more consistently

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
-----good grades on mid-term papers and tests
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.

  • -----Happy--> Absolutely Me-Caro Emerald
  • -----Sad--> He Must Have Really Hurt You Bad-George Strait
  • -----Bored--> I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder-Goo Goo Dolls
  • -----Hyped--> Keep the Party Alive-Family Force 5
  • -----Mad--> That's What You Get-Paramore

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.

me & maggie on the way to pick up kids while at Riverwoods (2009)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

30 day challenge

30 Day Challenge

Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name.

--Invalid. :)
Day 03- A picture of you and a friend.

--These are two of my best friends. My room-mate and my mom.

At Homecoming, i tried to get Anne to run through the water with me.

this is my amazing mother =)

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
-- procrastination
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

it's pretty grand.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tumbling is fun

i started tumbling today

i will still be blogging here. tumblr will be for pictures and quotes that inspire, as well as replies to formspring questions.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

30 Day Challenge

my last 30 day challenge wasn't as up to snuff as i wanted it to be, so i am re-trying - just for the heck of it. it won't be everyday....just fyi. i found this on Chelsea's tumblr. i have been thinking about getting a tumblr.....

Day 1 - a recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
(no guarantee that these are interesting)

  1. my hair has recently decided to be awesome. i don't have to do anything to it, and it will be wonderfully curly. but when i brush it....well, that's another story
  2. i finished a six page paper (that i actually wrote 7 pages for) three days in advance. now i have another 6-page paper to write. different class, same professor  (i always write papers the night before they are due, so this one better get a good grade.)
  3. sunday night i went to sleep at 8:30 in the morning, so last night i figured i would be able to crash at midnight, easily. FAIL. my roomie and i were up until 4:30 i think. bombastic fail.
  4. my room-mate (anne) is from the netherlands, and i continually make fun of her accent, and she makes fun of how naive i am. quite the loving relationship we have.
  5. i am an introvert....and an extrovert. lately, more so the latter. 
  6. i hate papyrus [typeface]. the church i go to now is completely obsessed with it. i need to have a talk with the creative arts director. 
  7. my ears are quite peculiar. one attached, one unattached 
  8. fifteen facts about oneself is a lot 
  9. after a week long digital cleanse with anne, i am less obsesses with facebook....but still am completely addicted to twitter. 
  10. i wish i had time to read books i want to read 
  11. i scream in the cinema at horror films, no matter how pathetic they are 
  12. i am a film addict. anne and i have a movie map in our room of films that we need to watch to become whole adults. 
  13. when talking about boys  men, the word sexy is lost on me, but suave.....i practically melt if the guy is anything like Cary Grant. 
  14. i love writing, but haven't been able to because school takes up so much time 
  15. i love cleaning when the room is very dirty. you can see progress, but if you vacuum everyday, it seems pointless.

When taking engagement pictures for friends, I climbed into a tree to get a different perspective. I didn't want to get down.

Monday, October 11, 2010

signs of the times

midterms that is.

Yes, my friends. Time is no longer a friend (when IS it a friend?) Later nights, more snacks, and maybe a catnap somewhere in the day. Wait, that's every day. Well, now people can understand why I am sleepy most of the time. Pictured above is my to-do list. So far, it is what I have to do for this week. LOTS. I finished a six page paper tonight, and one more to do (both for the same professor, different classes). Wish me luck. Or better yet, pray.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Fake Voices

In a future generation
Monophonic crowds emerge
With their metal throats
On organic flesh
Trading Originals for epigones
Real singers have become extinct

Fake voices
Fill the avenues
With Decepticon diction
Its a failed quest for perfection
Once the talent pool evaporates
Real singers have become extinct

This is a song by one of my friends, Curtis Bell. I especially love the line "It's a failed quest for perfection." Because really, isn't every quest for perfection doomed to fail? We can't be perfect. I wish more people would be broken and beautiful. Let the cracks show. God can use the worst moments of our lives for His glory. When we are weak, He is strong. Let's be honest, people. Let's be transparent--so transparent that people only see God's love through us instead of judgement and hypocrisy. Let people see your mistakes. Guess what? We've all made them.

Friday, October 01, 2010

lotsa books

Believe it or not, I'm actually kind of excited about these books (plus the 20 or so more titles I have yet to get from fellow Illinois libraries). I love books, so it's nice when I am enthusiastic about the papers I have to write, and thus research the background. (which includes watching lots of Alfred Hitchcock films :)